Browsing: PPE


WorkSafe NZ is stressing the requirement for employers to provide and ensure personal protective equipment (PPE) is used after Northland business was found guilty and sentenced in relation to a casual worker in who suffered a significant eye injury The victim and a supervisor were repairing orchard fencing in April 2021 when a high-tensile wire snapped, striking the 20-year-old’s left eye. Continue →

While they’re good marketing and may meet current Government guidelines, a health and safety company is warning employers to avoid issuing staff with branded cloth masks Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their staff on-site, and issuing PPE equipment that is not fit for purpose could have serious implications, Besafe Training General Manager Jason Braithwaite says. Continue →

Experts are urging the Ministry of Health to improve its mask wearing guidelines, calling current practices sub-optimal for reducing the risk of Covid-19 transmission A new rapid evidence brief Improving mask use to stop Covid-19 transmission from Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures at the University of Auckland, synthesises the most up-to-date  international research on the three main types of face masks – medical, cloth and N95 respirators. Continue →

Risk cannot always be eliminated in the workplace, so if the worst does happen, having the right safety equipment will help protect your workers and yourself when WorkSafe comes knocking Safety at work is everyone’s business and should include a safety equipment list. Continue →

When wearing respiratory protective equipment (RPE) at work, being clean shaven is essential to make sure it forms a seal to protect against breathing in harmful materials Even a small amount of stubble can prevent respiratory protective equipment, or RPE, forming a correct seal.  Continue →

Involving staff in selecting their own personal protective equipment (PPE) has paid off for one Christchurch company, which had struggled to get workers to wear the correct gear Christchurch-based maker of the Woodsman brand of log fires, W.H Harris, sometimes had issues getting staff to wear the correct PPE, says Operations Manager Mark Streeter. Continue →

New Zealand equipment producer ZERO Height Safety has partnered with twICEme Technology to allow seamless access to vital information through the tap of a smartphone when an emergency occurs The partnership aims to increase the level of safety for workers within the construction and industrial sectors globally through twICEme’s integrated technology for accessible vital information in personal protective equipment (PPE). Continue →

Protective gloves are a great way to prevent accidental cuts to fingers and hands, but is it reasonable to assume they can eliminate the risk of all lacerations? Continue →

While most businesses are aware of ‘safety knives’, many are still not using them due to these common misconceptions, Martor Australia explains Using knives comes with risks and we have all heard the horror stories of accidental cut injuries, or worse, experienced them yourself. Continue →

Providing proper work safety equipment will help keep workers safe, which means they won’t lose wages from accidents on the job, and the company doesn’t lose time or money in the aftermath Workplace safety equipment offers protection against injury to the wearer or user. Continue →

Industrial safety supplies are crucial when it comes to ensuring safe work conditions for workers and giving them the proper tools also increases confidence and a sense of security Slice The Bureau of Labor Statistics from the U.S. Continue →

Respiratory protective equipment that does not meet approved standards may leave workers unprotected from harmful respiratory risks, and give them a false belief that they are protected, warns WorkSafe Workers in many industries use P2 disposable respirators, commonly known as ‘dust masks’, to manage the risks around breathing chemicals and dusts like silica and asbestos. Continue →

Hand tool safety tips are useful in every workplace – almost every job calls for their use, and healthy hands are necessary for every job People who work in warehouses, construction sites, or in industrial workplaces will likely use hand tools more frequently, but even office workers use scissors, box cutters, and utility knives. Continue →

Good news for electric vehicle fleet operators and drivers with implanted cardiac devices – electric vehicles don’t interfere with pacemakers Electric and magnetic fields generated during operation and charging of electric cars does not affect function or programming of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) according to a brief research report are published in Annals of Internal Medicine Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can disrupt normal function of CIEDs, causing issues such as pacing inhibition, inappropriate shock delivery, or device reprogramming. Continue →

If Your Welding Boots Have Laces, They Are Not Welding Boots…   Many large project sites in Australia have made it mandatory that all workers wear lace-up, zip sided boots to prevent rolled ankles and allow for quick removal. Continue →
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