Browsing: Management


Industry leaders are calling recent commentary on temporary traffic management uninformed and unhelpful, as they work to transition from a ‘one size fits all’ model to a more risk-based approach Temporary Traffic Management Industry Steering Group (TTM ISG) Chair Dave Tilton says the industry is already making progress in ensuring temporary traffic management is fit for purpose through the transition from the compliance-based Code of practice for temporary traffic management (CoPTTM) to the more risk-based approach described in the New Zealand guide to temporary traffic management (NZGTTM). Continue →

The Employment Court has ruled that Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles’ employer breached its contractual obligations to protect her health and safety in the wake of harassment she experienced as a result of her work The judgment comes around two-and-a-half years after Wiles and then University of Auckland employee Professor Shaun Hendy initially filed their claim with the Employment Relations Authority in January 2022. Continue →

Historically safety documents and certificates have been hard copy paperwork that sparkies need to lug from one premise to the next, which really isn’t practical when safety assessments need to be logged right away on every job, says Fergus founder Dan Pollard Digital safety certificates have helped tradies move from easy-to-lose, paper documentation to a simpler, more efficient digital format. Continue →

Independent research released by Kordia shows just how detrimental cyber-attacks are on some of New Zealand’s largest businesses Of the surveyed businesses, all with 100 or more employees, that were hit by a cyber-attack in 2023, more than one in three (36%) said their business operations were disrupted, and 29% said personal data was stolen or accessed. Continue →

Outdated perceptions of leadership persist across society despite being repeatedly debunked, University of Queensland research finds Professor Alex Haslam from the university’s School of Psychology led research into ideas about leadership which are still popular despite being harmful for individuals, groups, and organisations. Continue →

With the labour market becoming more competitive, employers are turning to anthropologists to create an optimum environment for employee attraction and retention, says corporate anthropologist Michael Henderson Historically, New Zealand has lagged behind international trends in the use of human scientists from this field, but this is now changing – with demand growing rapidly since the pandemic. Continue →

For many people, career advancement does not always mean climbing the corporate ladder, a Randstad report finds To be seen as aspirational places to work, Randstad Chief Executive Sander van ‘t Noordende says employers need to embrace the idea of working in much closer partnership with talent, not only by developing their careers but also by building equitable workplaces where workers feel they belong. Continue →

A world-first innovative hydraulic safety function block has been successfully trialled in New Zealand, with the potential to improve machine safety across several industries Safety engineering team TEG Risk has taken the helm in collaboration with Fluid Power Solutions to spearhead a pioneering safety solution for Sanford, a New Zealand-based fisheries operator. Continue →

Safe Work Australia has published a model Code of Practice which will serve New Zealand operators well The model code provides practical guidance for persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) on how to eliminate or minimise the risk of sexual and gender-based harassment at work so far as is reasonably practicable. Continue →

Funding has been awarded to further develop an ‘AI guardian angel’ that makes roadworks safer for workers and road users RUSH, a pioneering New Zealand technology company, together with Downer’s Transport & Infrastructure, has been awarded funding in the second round of the Waka Kotahi Hoe ki angitū – Innovation Fund to further develop the technology. Continue →

The Commerce Commission has filed criminal charges against two construction companies and two directors for alleged bid rigging of publicly funded construction contracts The charges follow a Commission investigation into allegations that the companies and their directors colluded to rig bids for infrastructure projects in Auckland.  Continue →

It beggars belief that WorkSafe will do a better job with such a significant decrease to staffing resource, New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges says Axing 113 jobs at the health and safety regulator isn’t the right decision for the health and safety system in New Zealand. Continue →

Fair Pay Agreements (FPAs), a system for employment terms and conditions to be negotiated across entire industries and occupations, are set to be scrapped by the new Government against official advice A cabinet consultation paper leaked to the media shows the incoming Government is disregarding the negative impact of repealing Fair Pay Agreements, and the advice of their own officials, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) says. Continue →

With December marking the start of summer in Aotearoa New Zealand, it’s important to be aware of the extra health and safety hazards that come with working outside. Continue →

The early opening of the impressive Taparahi viaduct over the landslide cutting the main access to Coromandel East Coast communities, is an extremely welcome acknowledgement of the professional engineering and construction expertise successfully bridging the massive, unstable subsidence. Continue →
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